Ensuring excellence is recognised

The past few years have highlighted the need for hedge fund managers to have the right service provider relationships to continue to operate without disruption.

After another challenging year which has left many funds in need of high quality and innovative solutions in order to deliver returns, the HFM US Services Awards recognize and reward those companies who are leading the way in product and service development and delivery.

A legacy of achievement

Having steadily grown in influence and reach over the years, the With Intelligence HFM US Services Awards are now a prominent fixture in the calendar. The Awards promote and reward excellence in our industry and provide a much-needed opportunity for shortlisted and winning companies to have their achievements celebrated in front of the industry and key US hedge funds. These are the awards the leading service providers in the industry really want to win.

Why enter

Stand out from the crowd

After a challenging period which has left many funds in need of excellent and innovative solutions in order to move forward, it is pivotal to be showcased as a leader in the field. Winning a HFM US Services Award will give you the stamp of approval you need to win new clients.

Rigorous Judging

The rigorous judging process has been designed to ensure that all entries receive full consideration and that the true winners are chosen. The judging panel is made up of leading hedge fund professionals specially selected for their wealth of experience within the industry.

Global Exposure

Shortlisted and winning organisations will receive coverage of their achievements through With Intelligence’s channels as well as being provided with marketing assets to use in their own collateral. The prestige and reputation behind With Intelligence is the perfect driving force to stand out amongst the hedge fund services community.

Networking and celebration

The HFM US Services Awards provide the opportunity to celebrate and reward your team for their hard work, catch-up with peers from across the industry and demonstrate to your clients that you are at the forefront of the sector.

2023 Roll of Honor

Best administrator - client service

U.S. Bank Global Fund Services

Best administrator – emerging managers

NAV Fund Administration Group

Best administrator - fund of hedge funds

Centaur Fund Services US, Inc., a Waystone Group Company

Best administrator – middle-office services

Northern Trust - Hedge Fund Services

Best administrator - reporting/regulatory services


Best administrator - technology


Best administrator- overall


Best Advisory Firm - regulation and compliance

Waystone Compliance Solutions

Best advisory firm - Tax


Best analytics tool



Best auditor - middle market


Best auditor - overall


Best auditor - start ups


Best boutique prime broker

Clear Street

Best business banking service


Best custodian


Best cyber-security service


Best data management solution

Northern Trust Investment Data Science - Equity Data Science

Best digital assets provider


Best EMS

TS Imagine

Best executive search firm

Selby Jennings

Best fund accounting and reporting software

SS&C Advent

Best information and data provider


Best innovation in ESG

Maples Group

Best insurance broker


Best integrated surveillance firm


Best IT consultancy


Best law firm - alternative credit

Schulte Roth & Zabel

Best managed IT service provider


Best marketing and communications consultancy

Ovis Creative

Best offshore governance firm


Best OMS

SS&C Eze

Best onshore law firm

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Best onshore law firm – client service

Seward & Kissel

Best onshore law firm start-ups

Proskauer Rose LLP

Best Outsourced ManCo


Best outsourced operations/finance service


Best outsourced trading solution

Meraki Global Advisors

Best portfolio management software


Best prime broker

BNY Mellon | Pershing

Best prime broker – capital introduction

Societe Generale

Best risk mangement technology provider

TS Imagine

Best shadow accounting firm


Best tech infrastructure provider

Arcesium LLC

Best treasury management solution

Arcesium LLC

Best valuations firm for hard to value assets

Houlihan Lokey

Managed account platform

Kettera Strategies

Most innovative technology firm

Portfolio BI

Best administrator - client service

U.S. Bank Global Fund Services 

Highly Commendable -Ultimus LeverPoint

Best administrator - fund of hedge funds

Centaur Fund Services US, Inc., a Waystone Group Company

Best administrator - reporting/regulatory services


Best administrator- overall


Highly Commendable - N orthern Trust Hedge Fund Services

Best advisory firm - Tax


Best auditor - middle market


Highly Commendable - Anchin

Best auditor - start ups


Highly Commendable - Anchin

Best business banking service


Best cyber-security service


Highly Commendable - L inedata

Best digital assets provider


Best executive search firm

Selby Jennings

Best information and data provider


Highly Commendable - M Science

Best insurance broker


Best IT consultancy


Best managed IT service provider


Best offshore governance firm


Best onshore law firm

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Highly Commendable - Schulte Roth & Zabel

Best onshore law firm start-ups

Proskauer Rose LLP

Best outsourced operations/finance service


Highly Commendable - Acuity

Best portfolio management software


Highly Commendable - Orchestrade

Best prime broker – capital introduction

Societe Generale

Highly Commendable - T D Cowen

Best shadow accounting firm


Best treasury management solution

Arcesium LLC

Highly Commendable - Hazeltree

Managed account platform

Kettera Strategies

Best administrator – emerging managers

NAV Fund Administration Group

Best administrator – middle-office services

Northern Trust - Hedge Fund Services

Best administrator - technology


Best Advisory Firm - regulation and compliance

Waystone Compliance Solutions

Best analytics tool


Highly Commendable - Quantifi

Best auditor - overall


Highly Commendable - KPMG

Best boutique prime broker

Clear Street

Best custodian


Highly Commendable - Interactive Brokers

Best data management solution

Northern Trust Investment Data Science - Equity Data Science

Best EMS

TS Imagine

Best fund accounting and reporting software

SS&C Advent

Best innovation in ESG

Maples Group

Best integrated surveillance firm


Best law firm - alternative credit

Schulte Roth & Zabel

Best marketing and communications consultancy

Ovis Creative

Best OMS

SS&C Eze

Best onshore law firm – client service

Seward & Kissel

Best Outsourced ManCo


Highly Commendable - Apex Group

Best outsourced trading solution

Meraki Global Advisors

Highly Commendable - StoneX

Best prime broker

BNY Mellon | Pershing

Best risk mangement technology provider

TS Imagine

Best tech infrastructure provider

Arcesium LLC

Best valuations firm for hard to value assets

Houlihan Lokey

Most innovative technology firm


Highly Commendable - BI Backstop Solutions